Department of Water Resources


Nevada State Water Plan - Part 1 - Introduction

Part 1, Background and Resource Assessment, of the Nevada State Water Plan presents the basic underpinnings of the state's Water Planning effort with respect to guidelines, the state's institutional framework for WaterPlanning, water resource and socioeconomic backgrounds and glossaries of related terminology, agencies, water-related decrees and operating criteria and abbreviations and acronyms. Part 1 is divided into a number of sections to facilitate the presentation of background information. A summary of the contents of these sections is presented below.
Section 1 - Purpose, Guidelines, and the Water Planning Process: Intended to introduce the reader to the WaterPlanning process and the mandates which initiated and guide this process.
Section 2 - Summary of the 1974 State Water Plan: Presents the framework under which WaterPlanning is conducted in Nevada and introduces the reader to the state's regulatory and water rights framework.
Section 3 - The Institutional Framework for Water Planning and Management in Nevada: Presents a discussion of the various agencies involved in water-related programs, their taskings and responsibilities, and the forums in which WaterPlanning and management is presently conducted in Nevada.
Section 4 - Water Resources Background: Presents a baseline assessment of Nevada's water resources in terms of climatology and hydrology and contains a number of maps showing these conditions across the state.
Section 5 - Socioeconomic Background: Traces Nevada's socioeconomic trends and development through the present day in terms of the population and general industry conditions that have influenced water use and demand in Nevada.
Section 6 - Glossary of Terminology: Provides definitions of words specifically related to the subject matter in Part 1.
Section 7 - Information on Selected Federal, State and Local Agencies and Organizations: Provides a detailed presentation of the various agencies involved in WaterPlanning and their organization and responsibilities.
Section 8 - Selected Water-Related Decrees, Agreements and Operating Criteria: Presents detailed information of some of the principal governing directives under which water is allocated in Nevada.
Section 9 - Abbreviations and Acronyms: Provides a comprehensive listing of the terms used in the water plan or used in other documents related to water issues and planning.