Readme File The purpose of this file is to describe the Excel files contained in this zip file. The Excel files developed to support the data analyses related to the water resource assessment of the White River Flow System (WRFS) conducted by the Southern Nevada Water Authority (SNWA). The Excel files are provided as a supplement to the report titled: “Part A - Regional-Scale Evaluation of Natural Recharge, Discharge, and Interbasin Flow for the White River Flow System” in Water-Resources Assessment and Hydrogeologic Report for Cave, Dry Lake, and Delamar Valleys. Prepared by Andrew Burns (SNWA). The reader should consult the report for more details, particularly sections 5.0 and 6.0, and Appendix E for details on the calculations. The objectives of the calculations were to: (1) derive a spatial distribution of precipitation recharge for the WRFS using the water-balance method, (2) derive basin groundwater budgets, and (3) evaluate the solution through uncertainty analysis. The descriptions of the calculations are organized based on the Excel files. These files consist of one file containing the solution and several files containing the uncertainty analyses. The files are provided for the sole purpose of documentation of the analyses. In essence, the solution file contains a calibrated groundwater budget model for the WRFS. Any changes to the target value, the initial estimates of the parameters, or the constraints may immediately change the water budgets, and may yield a different solution or no solution at all if the solver is executed. Similarly, the uncertainty analysis files contain solutions to scenarios where a specific variable was selected and carefully altered to test its effect on the solution. Consequently, the reader should not alter the contents of the files unless they thoroughly understand their setup and have good knowledge about the WRFS. The uncertainty files constitute good examples of how the solution file may be altered and still yield a meaningful solution, yet perhaps unrealistic in some cases. Here is a list of the files included in this zipfile: Readme file: This file SNWA-WRFS-Groundwater-Budget-Solution: File containing recharge efficiencies and groundwater budgets derived for White River Flow System SNWA-WRFS-Groundwater-Budget-Unc-WRV-GWET-Low: Uncertainty file testing solution for reported low value of White River Valley Groundwater ET SNWA-WRFS-Groundwater-Budget-Unc-WRV-GWET-High: Uncertainty file testing solution for reported high value of White River Valley Groundwater ET SNWA-WRFS-Groundwater-Budget-Unc-MRSA-GWET-Low: Uncertainty file testing solution for reported low value of Muddy River Springs Area ET SNWA-WRFS-Groundwater-Budget-Unc-MRSA-GWET-High (same contents as SNWA-WRFS-Groundwater-Budget-Solution): Uncertainty file testing solution for reported low value of Muddy River Springs Area ET SNWA-WRFS-Groundwater-Budget-Unc-Inflow-Low: Uncertainty file testing solution for reported low value of total inflow to WRFS SNWA-WRFS-Groundwater-Budget-Unc-Inflow-High: Uncertainty file testing solution for reported high value of total inflow to WRFS SNWA-WRFS-Groundwater-Budget-Unc-Outflow-Low: Uncertainty file testing solution for reported low value of total outflow from WRFS SNWA-WRFS-Groundwater-Budget-Unc-Outflow-High: Uncertainty file testing solution for reported high value of total outflow from WRFS SNWA-WRFS-Groundwater-Budget-Unc-Max-Eff-Low: Uncertainty file testing solution for reported low value of maximum recharge efficiency SNWA-WRFS-Groundwater-Budget-Unc-Max-Eff-High: Uncertainty file testing solution for reported high value of maximum recharge efficiency SNWA-BARCASS-WRFS-Groundwater-Budget-Solution: File containing recharge efficiencies and groundwater budgets derived for White River Flow System