From:                                         Simeon Herskovits []

Sent:                                           Monday, August 29, 2011 1:50 PM

To:                                               Susan Joseph-Taylor; 'Paul Taggart';; 'Sev Carlson'; 'J. Mark Ward';;;;;;; 'Aaron Contreras'; 'Paul EchoHawk';

Subject:                                     additional evidentiary items


Dear Ms. Joseph-Taylor and Parties:


It has come to my attention that a small number of evidentiary items inadvertently were not forwarded to us in time to be included in our mailing of GBWN’s rebuttal evidentiary submission last Thursday, August 25.  These items are Sharlene Leurig’s resume and a few brief documents from the new White Pine County Community & Economic Development Director.  That county department has been going through a transition, and apparently there was some confusion about what to send me and when. 


In addition, we are submitting an amended exhibit list that includes these items and an electronic copy of GBWN’s signed witness list.  (In our submission last Thursday the signed witness list was included in hard copies, but the electronic version was copied as a pdf prior to it being signed.)


A link to download these items is included below, and copies of them are being sent on disk and hard copy to the State Engineer and all parties this afternoon.


We respectfully request that these items be included in GBWN’s rebuttal submission.


Thank you,



Simeon Herskovits

Advocates for Community and Environment

P.O. Box 1075

El Prado, New Mexico 87529

Phone:  575-758-7202

Fax:      575-758-7203




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