/* File : mf2kgmg.c * Author: JohnD. Wilson * Date : August, 2004 */ #include "mf2kgmg.h" /* * MODFLOW-2000 C-INTERFACE: * * Methods linking the GMG library to MF2K * via the gmg1.f interface. * * Arguments are passed in by reference; the default passing mode in FORTRAN. * * The fine-grid CCFD operator is allocated and assembled in this * library. MF2K internal arrays are aliased with the fine-grid * CCFD operator. * * MF2K internal data includes: * * NCOL -- Number of columns. * NROW -- Number of rows. * NLAY -- Number of layers. * CC -- Conductances for columns. * CR -- Conductances for rows. * CV -- Conductances for layers. * HCOF -- Source terms * HNEW -- Current approximation. * RHS -- Right-hand side. * HNOFLO -- Value of no-flow condition. * IBOUND -- Boundary flags * * Data defined in the GMG FORTRAN interface program includes: * * DRCLOSE -- Residaul convergence criterion. * IITER -- Max PCG iterations. * IOUTGMG -- Print flag. * IOUT -- Fortran unit number. * IPREC -- Value of 0 indicates single precision; double otherwise. * ISM -- Smoother flag; not 0 indicates ILU0-D, SGS otherwise. * ISC -- Semi-Coarsening Flag (see CCFD_MG_allocate) * RELAX -- If ISC=4, then RELAX can be used to improve condition number. * * Data returned to the GMG FORTRAN interface program includes: * * ISIZ -- Size in MB of data allocted by GMG. * IERR -- Value less than 0 indicates error. * ITER -- PCG iterations * BIGR0 -- l2-norm of initial residual * BIGR -- l2-norm of residual * BIGH -- Max head change */ /* * Allocates GMG data */ void MF2KGMG_ALLOCATE(int* NCOL, int* NROW, int* NLAY, int* IPREC, int* ISM, int* ISC, double* RELAX, int* ISIZ, int* IERR) { int size,total_size=0; /* Number of bytes allocated. */ int neq; /* Number of nodal values. */ int ow=1; /* Overwrite flag for PCG enabled. */ *IERR=0; /* Assemble r_data */ neq=(*NCOL)*(*NROW)*(*NLAY); rd.l=*NCOL; rd.m=*NROW; rd.n=*NLAY; rd.neq=neq; /* Allocate residual and head-change vectors. */ size=r_allocate(&r,&rd); if(size<0) { *IERR=-1; return; } total_size+=size; size=r_allocate(&z,&rd); if(size<0) { *IERR=-1; return; } total_size+=size; /* * Allocate fine-grid CCFD operator: * The fine-grid CCFD operator is allocated and assembled * outside of the normal context of the CCFD operator. */ CCFD_ptr=(CCFD_operator*)calloc(1,sizeof(CCFD_operator)); if(CCFD_ptr==NULL) { *IERR=-1; return; } total_size+=sizeof(CCFD_operator); /* Note, set deallocation method to NULL. */ GEN_assemble(&CCFD,CCFD_ptr,CCFD_eval,NULL); CCFD_ptr->rdp=&rd; CCFD_ptr->prec=*IPREC; CCFD_ptr->DD=(double*)calloc(neq,sizeof(double)); if(CCFD_ptr->DD==NULL) { *IERR=-1; return; } size=neq*sizeof(double); total_size+=size; /* Allocate CCFD Multigrid operator */ size=CCFD_MG_allocate(&CCFDMG,&CCFD,&rd,*ISM,*ISC); if(size<0) { *IERR=-1; return; } total_size+=size; /* Allocate PCG solver; enable overwrite */ size=PCG_allocate(&PCG,ow,&rd); if(size<0) { *IERR=-1; return; } total_size+=size; /* Size in megabytes. */ *ISIZ=(int)(total_size*1.0e-6); w=*RELAX; return; } /* * MF2KGMG_FREE: Deallocates vectors and operators for cell-centered * finite-diference problem. */ void MF2KGMG_FREE() { GEN_free(&CCFDMG); GEN_free(&PCG); r_free(&r); r_free(&z); /* Dealocate CCFD outside normal contex */ free(CCFD_ptr->DD); free(CCFD_ptr); return; } /* * Local functions for assembling CCFD matrix. */ /* Single precision CCFD assembly method. */ void MF2KGMG_SCCFD_ASSEMBLE(double* BIGR0, float* RHS, float* HCOF, float* HNOFLO, double* HNEW); /* Double precision CCFD assembly method. */ void MF2KGMG_DCCFD_ASSEMBLE(double* BIGR0, double* RHS, double* HCOF, double* HNOFLO, double* HNEW); /* Assemble GMG data: * Arguments that are pointer to void are either singel precision * or double precision and are resolved at run time. */ void MF2KGMG_ASSEMBLE(double* BIGR0, void* CR, void* CC, void* CV, void* HCOF, double* HNEW, void* RHS, void* HNOFLO, int* IBOUND, int* IERR) { int size; /* Error Flag */ int mu0=2,mu1=2,nu=2; /* Multigrid iteration parameters. */ *IERR=0; /* Alias MF2K internal arrays to fine-grid CCFD operator */ CCFD_ptr->CC=CC; CCFD_ptr->CR=CR; CCFD_ptr->CV=CV; CCFD_ptr->IBOUND=IBOUND; if(CCFD_ptr->prec==0) MF2KGMG_SCCFD_ASSEMBLE(BIGR0,RHS,HCOF,HNOFLO,HNEW); else MF2KGMG_DCCFD_ASSEMBLE(BIGR0,RHS,HCOF,HNOFLO,HNEW); size=CCFD_MG_assemble(&CCFDMG,w); if(size<0) { *IERR=-1; return; } CCFD_MG_set(&CCFDMG,mu0,mu1,nu); PCG_assemble(&PCG,&CCFD,&CCFDMG); return; } /* * MF2KGMG_EVAL: Computes head change returning l2-norm of residual (BIGR) * and number of iterations (ITER). */ void MF2KGMG_EVAL(int* ITER, double* BIGR, double* DRCLOSE, int* IITER, int* IOUTGMG, int* IOUT) { /* Pointer to access PCG data */ PCG_operator *PCG_ptr=PCG.A_ptr; int pf=0; /* Print Flag */ if((*IOUTGMG==2)||(*IOUTGMG==4)) pf=1; PCG_set(&PCG,*IITER,*DRCLOSE,pf,*IOUT); /* Approximate head change. */ *ITER=GEN_eval(&z,&r,&PCG); *BIGR=PCG_ptr->BIGR; return; } /* * MF2KGMG_UPDATE: Adds damped head change to current approximation. */ void MF2KGMG_UPDATE(double* HNEW, double* DDAMP) { r_vector p; p.rdp=&rd; p.vec=HNEW; r1_gets_r1_plus_cr2(&p,&z,*DDAMP); } /* Calculate l2-norm of residual and return location * of max residual. */ void MF2KGMG_BIGR(double* BIGR, int* IBIGR, int* JBIGR, int* KBIGR) { int l,m,n; int lm; int i,j,k; int e,jl,klm; double re,resqr,maxresqr; l=rd.l, m=rd.m, n=rd.n; lm=l*m; *BIGR=0.0; maxresqr=0.0; *IBIGR=1; *JBIGR=1; *KBIGR=1; for(k=0, klm=0; kmaxresqr) { maxresqr=resqr; *IBIGR=i+1; *JBIGR=j+1; *KBIGR=k+1; } } *BIGR=sqrt(*BIGR); return; } /* * Calculate max of head change and return location of max head change. * Absalute value of BIGH is max-norm of head change. */ void MF2KGMG_BIGH(double* BIGH, int* IBIGH, int* JBIGH, int* KBIGH) { int l,m,n; int lm; int i,j,k; int e,jl,klm; double ze,fabsze; l=rd.l, m=rd.m, n=rd.n; lm=l*m; *BIGH=0.0; *IBIGH=1; *JBIGH=1; *KBIGH=1; for(k=0, klm=0; kfabs(*BIGH)) { *BIGH=ze; *IBIGH=i+1; *JBIGH=j+1; *KBIGH=k+1; } } return; } void MF2KGMG_SCCFD_ASSEMBLE(double* BIGR0, float* RHS, float* HCOF, float* HNOFLO, double* HNEW) { /* Grid extents and loop variables */ int l,m,n; int lm; int i,j,k; int jl,klm; int e; double *DD; /* Diagonal */ float *CC,*CR,*CV; /* Conductance arrays */ int *IBOUND; /* Specified head flags */ double *RES; /* Residual vector */ double EE,RSUM,COND; l=CCFD_ptr->rdp->l; m=CCFD_ptr->rdp->m; n=CCFD_ptr->rdp->n; lm=l*m; DD=CCFD_ptr->DD; CC=CCFD_ptr->CC; CR=CCFD_ptr->CR; CV=CCFD_ptr->CV; IBOUND=CCFD_ptr->IBOUND; RES=r.vec; /* * Assemble diagonal of CCFD matrix * and residual applying specified heads * one element at a time. */ *BIGR0=0.0; for(k=0, klm=0 ;k0) { COND=(double)CV[e-lm]; EE+=COND; RSUM+=COND*HNEW[e-lm]; } if(j>0) { COND=(double)CC[e-l]; EE+=COND; RSUM+=COND*HNEW[e-l]; } if(i>0) { COND=(double)CR[e-1]; EE+=COND; RSUM+=COND*HNEW[e-1]; } if(irdp->l; m=CCFD_ptr->rdp->m; n=CCFD_ptr->rdp->n; lm=l*m; DD=CCFD_ptr->DD; CC=CCFD_ptr->CC; CR=CCFD_ptr->CR; CV=CCFD_ptr->CV; IBOUND=CCFD_ptr->IBOUND; RES=r.vec; /* * Assemble diagonal of CCFD matrix * and residual applying specified heads * one element at a time. */ *BIGR0=0.0; for(k=0, klm=0 ;k0) { COND=(double)CV[e-lm]; EE+=COND; RSUM+=COND*HNEW[e-lm]; } if(j>0) { COND=(double)CC[e-l]; EE+=COND; RSUM+=COND*HNEW[e-l]; } if(i>0) { COND=(double)CR[e-1]; EE+=COND; RSUM+=COND*HNEW[e-1]; } if(i