#include "solvers.h" #include /* * Generic PCG: * * Starting value for cfac modified: R.L. Naff, 03/25/2010 * * Iterative method for approximating the solution to Ax=b * where x is an r_vector structure representing the initial guess * and b is an r_vector structure representing the right-hand side. * Upon completion, the x vector contains the approximate solution * computed by the PCG method. * * The matrix A and the preconditioner B are passed in * as pointers to generic operators. * * Specifications: * * IITER Maximum number of iterations allowed. * * RCLOSE Stopping criterion for PCG. * * pf Print flag: If pf is non-zero, then the * l2-norm of the preconditioned residual, * the residual and the max-norm of the residual * are printed. The average reduction is also * printed at the end of the iterations. * * IOUT Unit number for fortran output. * * ow If ow is non-zero, then the right-hand side * is overwritten with the residual. This * saves memory. For non-zero ow a zero * initial guess is used. * * The iteration parameters are set using PCG_set. For example: * * PCG_set(&PCG,50,1.0e-10,1,IOUT); * * will set the maximum number of iteration to 50, * the stopping criterion will 1.0e-10 and the reduction * history is printed to IOUT. * * The PCG_eval call returns the number of iterations: * * iter=PCG_eval(&x,&b,&PCG); * * The final l2-norm of the residual squared * is stored in the PCG structure, PCG.BIGR */ /* Interface to fortran print function */ void resprint(int* IOUT, int* I, double* RES, double* CFAC); int PCG_allocate(GEN_operator* GEN_ptr, int ow, r_data* rdp) { int size,total_size=0; PCG_operator* PCG_ptr; PCG_ptr=(PCG_operator*)calloc(1,sizeof(PCG_operator)); if(PCG_ptr==NULL) return 0; GEN_assemble(GEN_ptr,PCG_ptr,PCG_eval,PCG_free); if(!ow) { size=r_allocate(&PCG_ptr->r,rdp); if(size==0) return 0; total_size=size; } size=r_allocate(&PCG_ptr->z,rdp); if(size==0) return 0; total_size+=size; size=r_allocate(&PCG_ptr->p,rdp); if(size==0) return 0; total_size+=size; PCG_ptr->IITER=100; PCG_ptr->RCLOSE=1.0e-10; PCG_ptr->pf=1; PCG_ptr->IOUT=0; PCG_ptr->ow=ow; return total_size; } void PCG_free(void* A_ptr) { PCG_operator *PCG_ptr=A_ptr; if(!(PCG_ptr->ow)) r_free(&PCG_ptr->r); r_free(&PCG_ptr->p); r_free(&PCG_ptr->z); free(PCG_ptr); } int PCG_assemble(GEN_operator* PCG_GEN_ptr, GEN_operator* A_GEN_ptr, GEN_operator* B_GEN_ptr) { PCG_operator *PCG_ptr=PCG_GEN_ptr->A_ptr; PCG_ptr->A_ptr=A_GEN_ptr; PCG_ptr->B_ptr=B_GEN_ptr; return 1; } int PCG_set(GEN_operator* GEN_ptr, int IITER, double RCLOSE, int pf, int IOUT) { PCG_operator *PCG_ptr=GEN_ptr->A_ptr; PCG_ptr->IITER=IITER; PCG_ptr->RCLOSE=RCLOSE; PCG_ptr->pf=pf; PCG_ptr->IOUT=IOUT; return 1; } int PCG_eval(r_vector* x_ptr, r_vector* b_ptr, void* A_ptr) { PCG_operator *PCG_ptr=A_ptr; r_vector *r_ptr,*z_ptr,*p_ptr; double bknum,bkden,bk; double akden,ak; double RES,BIGR0=0,BIGR; int mu1; int k; double cfac; double RCLOSE; int IITER,pf; int IOUT; z_ptr=&PCG_ptr->z; p_ptr=&PCG_ptr->p; r_ptr=&PCG_ptr->r; RCLOSE=PCG_ptr->RCLOSE; RCLOSE=RCLOSE*RCLOSE; IITER=PCG_ptr->IITER; pf=PCG_ptr->pf; IOUT=PCG_ptr->IOUT; k=0; /* Calculate r = b - Ax. */ if(PCG_ptr->ow) { r_ptr=b_ptr; r_zero(x_ptr); } else { GEN_eval(r_ptr,x_ptr,PCG_ptr->A_ptr); r1_gets_r2_minus_r1(r_ptr,b_ptr); } RES=r_dotprd(r_ptr,r_ptr); if(pf) { BIGR0=BIGR=sqrt(RES); /* cfac=BIGR/BIGR0; R.L. Naff, 03/25/2010 */ cfac=1.0; resprint(&IOUT,&k,&BIGR,&cfac); } /* First Iteration */ if(RES>0.0) { /* Solve Mz = r and computes bknum=(r,z). */ mu1=GEN_eval(p_ptr,r_ptr,PCG_ptr->B_ptr); bkden=bknum = r_dotprd(r_ptr,p_ptr); k++; /* Calculate akden = (p, Ap) and ak. */ GEN_eval(z_ptr,p_ptr,PCG_ptr->A_ptr); akden = r_dotprd(p_ptr,z_ptr); ak = bknum/akden; /* Update x and r. */ r1_gets_r1_plus_cr2(x_ptr,p_ptr,ak); r1_gets_r1_plus_cr2(r_ptr,z_ptr,-ak); /* Compute L2-norm of residual */ RES=r_dotprd(r_ptr,r_ptr); if(pf) { BIGR=sqrt(RES); cfac=BIGR/BIGR0; resprint(&IOUT,&k,&BIGR,&cfac); BIGR0=BIGR; } while(RES>RCLOSE && kB_ptr); bknum = r_dotprd(r_ptr,z_ptr); k++; /* Calculate p = z + bk*p. */ bk=bknum/bkden; r1_gets_cr1_plus_r2(p_ptr,z_ptr,bk); bkden=bknum; /* Calculate akden = (p, Ap) and ak. */ GEN_eval(z_ptr,p_ptr,PCG_ptr->A_ptr); akden = r_dotprd(p_ptr,z_ptr); ak = bknum/akden; /* Update x and r. */ r1_gets_r1_plus_cr2(x_ptr,p_ptr,ak); r1_gets_r1_plus_cr2(r_ptr,z_ptr,-ak); /* Compute L2-norm of residual */ RES=r_dotprd(r_ptr,r_ptr); if(pf) { BIGR=sqrt(RES); cfac=BIGR/BIGR0; resprint(&IOUT,&k,&BIGR,&cfac); BIGR0=BIGR; } } } PCG_ptr->BIGR=sqrt(RES); return k; } /* * Generic multigrid algorithm: * * MG_r_data contains a list of r_data structures and number of levels. * * An mg_vector contains a list of r_vector's. * The r_vectors are allocated for a range of levels * i0,..,i1. * * An MG_GEN_operator contains a list of GEN_operator's. * A list of GEN_operator's is used to define the multi-level * smoothers, stiffness matrices, or prolongation/restriction * pairs. * * An MG_matrix contains mg_vector's, pointers to MG_GEN_operator's, * and iteration parameters. The MG_GEN_operators are defined * outside the contex of the generic MG operator and depend on the * multigrid method being used shuch as cell-centered finite-difference. * * The generic MG structures allow for recursive definitions * such as alternating plane smoothers which are 2-D multigrid * solvers. */ /* * Local Subroutines used by MG_eval method. */ int compute_MNUr(int i, MG_operator* MG_ptr); int MG_Smooth(int i, MG_operator* MG_ptr); /* Allocate an array of r_data objects. */ int MG_r_data_allocate(MG_r_data* mgrdp, int levels) { mgrdp->levels=levels; mgrdp->rd_list=(r_data*)calloc(levels,sizeof(r_data)); if(mgrdp->rd_list==NULL) return -1; return levels*sizeof(r_data); } void MG_r_data_free(MG_r_data* mgrdp) { free(mgrdp->rd_list); } /* Allocate an array of r_vector objects. An r_vector object * is allocated on each level between i0 and i1. * * Returns number of bytes allocated or a negative value if * allocation failed. */ int mg_vector_allocate(mg_vector* mgp, int i0, int i1, MG_r_data* mgrdp) { int levels=mgrdp->levels; int i; int size,total_size=0; mgp->mgrdp=mgrdp; mgp->i0=i0; mgp->i1=i1; mgp->r_list=(r_vector*)calloc(levels,sizeof(r_vector)); if(mgp->r_list==NULL) return 0; total_size+=levels*sizeof(r_vector); for(i=i0;i<=i1;i++) { size=r_allocate(&mgp->r_list[i],&mgrdp->rd_list[i]); if(size<=0) return -1; total_size+=size; } return total_size; } void mg_vector_free(mg_vector* mgp) { int i,i0,i1; i0=mgp->i0; i1=mgp->i1; for(i=i0;i<=i1;i++) r_free(&mgp->r_list[i]); free(mgp->r_list); } /* Allocates an array of generic operators. * * Returns number of bytes allocated or a negative value if * allocation failed. */ int MG_GEN_allocate(MG_GEN_operator* MG_GEN_ptr, MG_r_data* mgrdp) { int levels=mgrdp->levels; int size; MG_GEN_ptr->mgrdp=mgrdp; MG_GEN_ptr->GEN_list=(GEN_operator*)calloc(levels,sizeof(GEN_operator)); if(MG_GEN_ptr->GEN_list==NULL) return -1; size=levels*sizeof(GEN_operator); return size; } void MG_GEN_free(MG_GEN_operator* MG_GEN_ptr) { int i,levels=MG_GEN_ptr->mgrdp->levels; for(i=0;iGEN_list[i]); free(MG_GEN_ptr->GEN_list); } /* Allocates MG_operator multilevel solution vector, * multilevel right-hand side vector, multilevel residual vector, * and multilevel work vector. * * The multilevel solution and rhs vectors not allocated on finest level. * The multilevel residual vector not allocated on coarsest level. * * A multilevel workvector is allocated if ow is zero. The workvector * is used in the smoothing proceedure to store the preconditioned * residual. The smoother may be able to overwrite the residual with the * preconditioned residual in which case ow can be set to non-zero * and the multilevel work vector is not allocated. * In either case, the multilevel work vector is not allocated on * the coarsest level. * * Returns number of bytes allocated or a negative value if * allocation failed. */ int MG_allocate(GEN_operator* GEN_ptr, int ow, MG_r_data* mgrdp) { int size,total_size=0; int levels=mgrdp->levels; MG_operator* MG_ptr; MG_ptr=(MG_operator*)calloc(1,sizeof(MG_operator)); if(MG_ptr==NULL) return -1; GEN_assemble(GEN_ptr,MG_ptr,MG_eval,MG_free); MG_ptr->mgrdp=mgrdp; /* Multilevel solution vector. Not allocated on finest level. */ size=mg_vector_allocate(&MG_ptr->mgp,0,levels-2,mgrdp); if(size<=0) return -1; total_size+=size; /* Multilevel rhs vector. Not allocated on finest level. */ size=mg_vector_allocate(&MG_ptr->mgb,0,levels-2,mgrdp); if(size<=0) return -1; total_size+=size; /* Multilevel residual vector. Not allocated on coarsest level. */ size=mg_vector_allocate(&MG_ptr->mgr,1,levels-1,mgrdp); if(size<=0) return -1; total_size+=size; /* Multilevel work */ if(ow==0) { size=mg_vector_allocate(&MG_ptr->mgw,1,levels-1,mgrdp); if(size<=0) return -1; total_size+=size; } else /* Alias multilevel work vector with multilevel residual vector. */ MG_ptr->mgw=MG_ptr->mgr; MG_ptr->ow=ow; return total_size; } void MG_free(void* A_ptr) { MG_operator* MG_ptr=A_ptr; mg_vector_free(&MG_ptr->mgp); mg_vector_free(&MG_ptr->mgb); mg_vector_free(&MG_ptr->mgr); if(!MG_ptr->ow) mg_vector_free(&MG_ptr->mgw); free(MG_ptr); } /* Assign pointers to multilevel generic operators * assembled outside contex of MG operator. */ int MG_assemble(GEN_operator* GEN_ptr, MG_GEN_operator* A_ptr, MG_GEN_operator* B_ptr, MG_GEN_operator* P_ptr, MG_GEN_operator* R_ptr) { MG_operator* MG_ptr=GEN_ptr->A_ptr; MG_ptr->A_ptr=A_ptr; MG_ptr->B_ptr=B_ptr; MG_ptr->P_ptr=P_ptr; MG_ptr->R_ptr=R_ptr; return 1; } /* Set iteration parameters */ void MG_set(GEN_operator* GEN_ptr, int mu0, int mu1, int nu) { MG_operator *MG_ptr=(MG_operator*)(GEN_ptr->A_ptr); /* If mu0=0, then variable mu0 is implemented (see MG_Smooth) */ MG_ptr->mu0=mu0; /* Number of smoothing iterations */ MG_ptr->mu1=mu1; /* Number of multigrid cycles */ MG_ptr->nu=nu; /* Cycle type: nu=1-> V-Cycle; nu=2-> W-Cycle */ } /* Set aliases and compute multiple multigrid cycles */ int MG_eval(r_vector* p2_ptr, r_vector* p1_ptr, void* A_ptr) { MG_operator *MG_ptr=A_ptr; int levels=MG_ptr->mgrdp->levels; int mu1=MG_ptr->mu1; r_vector *b_list,*p_list; int k; b_list=MG_ptr->mgb.r_list; p_list=MG_ptr->mgp.r_list; /* Alias fine-grid rhs and solution vectors */ b_list[levels-1]=*p1_ptr; p_list[levels-1]=*p2_ptr; r_zero(&p_list[levels-1]); if(levels==1) mu1=1; for(k=0;kmgrdp->levels; int k,nu=MG_ptr->nu; r_vector *p_list,*b_list,*r_list,*w_list; GEN_operator *A_list,*P_list,*R_list,*B_list; A_list=MG_ptr->A_ptr->GEN_list; P_list=MG_ptr->P_ptr->GEN_list; R_list=MG_ptr->R_ptr->GEN_list; B_list=MG_ptr->B_ptr->GEN_list; if(i==levels-1) nu=1; p_list=MG_ptr->mgp.r_list; b_list=MG_ptr->mgb.r_list; r_list=MG_ptr->mgr.r_list; w_list=MG_ptr->mgw.r_list; /* Compute approximate solution */ MG_Smooth(i,MG_ptr); for(k=0;i>0 && kmgrdp->levels; int mu0=MG_ptr->mu0; int k; r_vector *p_list,*b_list,*r_list,*w_list; GEN_operator *A_list,*B_list; p_list=MG_ptr->mgp.r_list; b_list=MG_ptr->mgb.r_list; A_list=MG_ptr->A_ptr->GEN_list; B_list=MG_ptr->B_ptr->GEN_list; /* Variable number of smoothing steps */ if(mu0==0) mu0=pow(2,levels-i)-1; if(i==0) { /* Compute coarse-grid solution */ GEN_eval(&p_list[i],&b_list[i],&B_list[0]); return 1; } r_list=MG_ptr->mgr.r_list; w_list=MG_ptr->mgw.r_list; for(k=0;k