ReadMe: The Additional Data directory contains data from the following sources: Carpenter, E., 1915, Ground Water in Southeastern Nevada: U.S. Geological Survey, Water-Supply Paper 365, 86 p. Converse Consultants, 2002, Production Well Construction and Testing - RW-2 Well, Coyote Spring Valley, Clark County, Nevada. Prepared for Nevada Water Company: Las Vegas, NV. Fugro National, 1980, MX Siting Investigation Water Resources Porgram Summary for Draft Environmental Impact Statement Volume II. Long Beach, CA. Luzier Hydrosciences, 2003, Dry Lake and Delamar Valleys, Nevada Groundwater Hydrology and Development Potential. Lake Oswego, OR. Johnson, M.J., 2002, Drilling and Development of Well WS-2 for Duke Energy Moapa, LLC, Garnet Valley, Clark County, Nevada, Prepared for Duke Energy Moapa LLC: Las Vegas, NV. Johnson, M.J., 2004, Personal Communication to Steve Acheampong (SNWA) concerning water quality at CSI #1. State of Nevada Health Division, 2004, Personal Communication to Ms. Kay Brothers (SNWA) concerning Public Water System Water Quality Data. URS, 2001, Report of Groundwater Assessment - Lower Meadow Valley Wash, Meadow Valley Generating Project, Clark and Lincoln Counties, Nevada. Prepared for PG&E National Energy Group: Bethesda, MD & San Diego, CA. Additional Water Quality Data is available in the Fugro National Reference that has been provided under Common and Reports. The Misc_Spring_Chemistry file contains additional references within the file.