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Code Descriptions

Real-time Codes

Ssn Parameter monitored seasonally
Ice Ice affected
Pr Partial-record site
Rat Rating being developed or revised
Nd Not determined
Eqp Equipment malfunction
Fld Flood damage
Dry Zero flow
Dis Data-collection discontinued
-- Parameter not determined
*** Temporarily unavailable

Surface Water Codes

Water Quality Codes

Site Inventory Codes

Ground Water Codes

Water Quality Codes

Medium codes, descriptions, and definitions (medium_cd)

Medium  Description                  Definition
0       Not determined
A       Artificial                   Any substance that is not part of an
                                     aquatic environment and cannot be  
                                     described by the Sample Medium Codes
                                     B-J or I-9 

B       Solids (street sweepings,    Dry unconsolidated materials that are
        etc.)                        collected from a street or paved area,
                                     including the total array of materials
                                     that are collected as part of a "clean 
                                     sweep," and cannot be described by Sample
                                     Medium Codes C-J or 1-9.

C       Animal tissue                Any type of tissue that comprises 
                                     either whole or parts of insects, fish,
                                     or other organisms living in an aquatic
                                     environment, or warm bodied animals 
                                     that may or may not have been collected
                                     from a water body.

D       Plant tissue                 Any type of non-animal tissue that
                                     comprises either whole or parts of
                                     plants,aquatic or non-aquatic.

E       Core material                Consolidated or unconsolidated material
                                     removed from a pipe or casing during a
                                     drilling (coring) operation.

F       Interstitial water           Water occurring in the small openings,
                                     spaces, and voids between particles of
                                     unconsolidated materials in that portion
                                     of the vadose water zone between the root
                                     zone and the water table. The water is
                                     held in place by entrapment, ionic 
                                     attraction, and capillary or adhesive 
                                     forces, rather than from upward pressure
                                     components of saturation.

G       Soil                         A wet or dry substance composed of
                                     unconsolidated fine-grain rock fragments
                                     (minerals) and organic material that has
                                     been modified sufficiently by physical,
                                     chemical, or biological processes to
                                     support terrestrial plant growth.

H       Bottom material              A mixture of mineral and organic matter
                                     that compose the top bed deposits
                                     (usually the first few inches) under-
                                     lying a body of water.

J       Sludge                       An unconsolidated material, from an
                                     anthropogenic source, covering the
                                     ground or the bed of a water body,
                                     usually originating as a result of
                                     processes such as domestic or
                                     industrial waste treatment.

K       Soil Moisture                Water occupying voids between loose
                                     soil particles within the aerated root
                                     zone. The water is held in place by
                                     surface tension, capillary and
                                     hydroscopic forces in opposition to the
                                     pull of gravitational forces.

L-P     Taxonomic data               Biological data distinct from non-
                                     taxonomic data which cannot be described
                                     by Sample Medium Codes A-K or I-9.
        (L) Phytoplanktonic
            species composition
            and enumeration
        (M) Phytoplanktonic
            species composition
        (N) Periphytic species
        (O) Benthic invertebrates
            species composition and 
        (P) Periphytic diatoms
            species composition and 

Q-Z     Quality-assurance sample     Blank samples taken to ensure that
                                     environmental samples have not been
                                     contaminated by the data-collection
        (Q) Artificial 
        (R) Surface water
        (S) Ground water 
        (T) Wet deposition 
        (U) Bulk deposition 
        (V) Suspended sediment
        (W) Bottom material
        (X) Animal tissue
        (Y) Plant tissue 
        (Z) Interstitial water 

1       Suspended sediment           Sediment carried in suspension by the
                                     turbulent components of the fluid or by
                                     the Brownian movement (a law of physics).

2       Leachate                     A solution obtained by passing a liquid
                                     (usually aqueous) through an
                                     unconsolidated solid medium, thereby
                                     dissolving materials (from the solid
                                     medium) which become a part of the
                                     solution. It also contains those
                                     precipitates that are the result of the
                                     solution process and subsequent
                                     chemical or biological reactions.

3       Dry deposition               Solid, aerosol or gaseous materials
                                     deposited from the atmosphere during dry
                                     weather periods.

4       Landfill effluent            A liquid material (usually water) that is
                                     drained or pumped from a landfill. It 
                                     usually is a liquid that has percolated
                                     through solid landfill material to become
                                     a transport medium for materials
                                     dissolved from the landfill.

5       Elutriation                  A process by which a mixture of an
                                     unconsolidated solid medium (usually
                                     soil) and a liquid medium (usually water)
                                     has been agitated for a given period
                                     of time to dissolve materials from the
                                     solid. The solid/liquid mixture is
                                     finally separated and the resulting
                                     solution is analyzed for materials
                                     dissolved duringthe elutriation process.

6       Ground water                 Water below the surface of the earth
                                     contained in the saturated zone. It does
                                     not include soil moisture or interstitial

7       Wet deposition               Water reaching the earth's surface
                                     through precipitation as rain, snow,
                                     sleet,hail or condensation of fog and
                                     dew. The water may contain undissolved
                                     particulate and gaseous materials
                                     acquired from the atmosphere during

8       Bulk deposition              A mixture of undesignated proportions
                                     of wet and dry deposition sampled by
                                     a continuously open container.

9       Surface water                Water on the surface of the earth
                                     stored or transported in rivers, streams,
                                     estuaries, lakes, ponds, swamps, glaciers
                                     or other aquatic areas. It also may refer
                                     to water in urban drains and storm-
                                     sewer systems.

$       Treated water supply        Water after being processed for some particular use(s).

%       Effluent                    Waste water after use at some point source; such as an 
                                    industrial facility or sewage treatment plant.

*       Air                         Sample of atmospheric gases.

&       Soil gas                    Gases occurring in the small openings, spaces and voids 
                                    between articles of unconsolidated materials in that portion
                                    of the vadose water zone between the root zone and the 
                                    water table. 

~       Hyporheic Zone

{       QC sample for treated
        Water supply

}       QC sample for effluent

[       QC sample for air

]       QC sample for soil gas

<       QC sample for soil

>       QC sample for Hyporheic Zone

Quality Assurance Codes (qa_cd)

Code  Description                                                
A     Not reported                                               
B     Non-USGS lab value--failed edit                            
C     Non-USGS field value--failed edit                          
D     USGS lab value--failed edit                                
E     USGS field value--failed edit                              
F     Non-USGS lab value--in review                              
G     Non-USGS field value--in review                            
H     USGS lab value--in review                                  
I     USGS field value--in review                                
1     Non-USGS lab value--approved for transfer to EPA STORET    
2     Non-USGS field value--approved for transfer to EPA STORET  
3     USGS lab value--approved for transfer to EPA STORET        
4     USGS field value--approved for transfer to EPA STORET      
6     Non-USGS lab value--proprietary
7     Non-USGS field value--proprietary
8     USGS lab value--proprietary
9     USGS field value--proprietary

Hydrologic Condition Codes (hyd_cond_cd)

Code  Description           
A     Not determined        
4     Stable, low stage     
5     Falling stage         
6     Stable, high stage    
7     Peak stage            
8     Rising stage          
9     Stable, normal stage  
X     Not applicable                            

Hydrologic Event Code (hyd_event_cd)

Code  Description            
A     Spring breakup         
B     Under ice cover        
C     Glacial lake outbreak  
D     Mudflow                
E     Tidal action           
F     Affected by fire 
H     Dambreak               
J     Storm                  
K     Backwater
X     Not applicable
Z     Not determined (historical)
1     Drought                
2     Spill                  
3     Regulated flow         
4     Snowmelt               
5     Earthquake             
6     Hurricane              
7     Flood                  
8     Volcanic action        
9     Routine sample         

Sample Type Codes (samp_type_cd)

Code  Description         
A     Not determined      
B     Other QA            
H     Composite (time)    
1     Spike               
2     Blank               
3     Reference           
4     Blind               
5     Duplicate           
6     Reference Material  
7     Replicate           
8     Spike solution      
9     Regular             

Parameter Groups

Code  Description    
T      Total
I      Information
B      Biological
M      Major inorganics
C      Minor and trace inorganics
N      Nutrients
O      Organics
U      Other
P      Physical property
R      Radiochemicals
S      Sediment
X      Unknown

Analysis Status Codes (anl_stat_cd)

Code  Description                          
A     Not determined                       
H     Initial entry                        
1     Retrieved, in review                 
3     Data in temporary hold status        
7     Reviewed, approved for transfer to EPA STORET                           
9     Proprietary data (Regional Hydrologist approval required)              

Analysis Source Codes (anl_src_cd)

Code  Description                            
A     Not determined                         
B     Non-USGS field only                    
C     Non-USGS lab only                      
D     Non-USGS lab and field                 
F     USGS field and non-USGS field          
G     USGS field and non-USGS lab            
H     USGS field and non-USGS lab and field  
1     USGS lab and non-USGS field            
2     USGS lab and non-USGS lab              
3     USGS lab and non-USGS lab and field    
4     USGS lab and field and non-USGS field  
5     USGS lab and field and non-USGS lab    
6     USGS lab and field and non-USGS lab and field 
7     USGS field only                        
8     USGS lab only                          
9     USGS lab and field                     

Valid District Processing Status Codes (dist_proc_stat_cd)

Code  Description                  
N     New record                   
F     Field data                   
L     Laboratory data              
P     Pending approval             
R     Ready to transmit to Reston  
T     Transmitted                  
Z     Local-use data               

Remark Codes (remark_cd)

Code    Description                               
<      Actual value is known to be less than the value shown.                          
>      Actual value is known to be greater than the value shown.                     
A        Average value                                
E        Estimated value                           
M        Presence of material verified but not quantified
N        Presumptive evidence of presence of material
S        Most probable value                       
V        Value affected by contamination
U        Analyzed for, not detected

Site Inventory Codes

Site-Type Codes (station_type_cd)

Code (20 character field)     Types     
YNNNNNYNNNNNNNNNNNNN          Stream+Meteorological
YNNNNNYYNNNNNNNNNNNN          Stream+Meteorological+Outfall
YNNNNNYNYNNNNNNNNNNN          Stream+Meteorological+Diversion
YNNNNNNYNNNNNNNNNNNN          Stream+Outfall
YNNNNNNNYNNNNNNNNNNN          Stream+Diversion
NYNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN          Lake/Reservoir
NYNNNNYNNNNNNNNNNNNN          Lake/Reservoir+Meteorological
NYNNNNYYNNNNNNNNNNNN          Lake/Reservoir+Meteorological+Outfall
NYNNNNYNYNNNNNNNNNNN          Lake/Reservoir+Meteorological+Diversion
NYNNNNNYNNNNNNNNNNNN          Lake/Reservoir+Outfall
NYNNNNNNYNNNNNNNNNNN          Lake/Reservoir+Diversion
NNYNNNYNNNNNNNNNNNNN          Estuary+Meteorological
NNYNNNYYNNNNNNNNNNNN          Estuary+Meteorological+Outfall
NNYNNNYNYNNNNNNNNNNN          Estuary+Meteorological+Diversion
NNYNNNNYNNNNNNNNNNNN          Estuary+Outfall
NNYNNNNNYNNNNNNNNNNN          Estuary+Diversion
NNNNNNYNNNNNNYNNNNNN          Coastal+Meteorological 
NNNNNNNYNNNNNYNNNNNN          Coastal+Outfall 
NNNNNNNNYNNNNYNNNNNN          Coastal+Diversion 
NNNYNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN          Specific Source
NNNNYNYNNNNNNNNNNNNN          Spring+Meteorological
NNNNNYNNNNNNNNNNNNNN          Ground-water other than Spring
NNNNNYYNNNNNNNNNNNNN          Ground-water+Meteorological
NNNNNNYNNNNNNNNNNNNN          Meteorological
NNNNNNYYNNNNNNNNNNNN          Outfall+Meteorological
NNNNNNYNYNNNNNNNNNNN          Diversion+Meteorological
NNNNNNNNNYNNNNNNNNNN          Land Application
NNNNNNYNNYNNNNNNNNNN          Land Application+Meteorological
NNNNNNNNNNYNNNNNNNNN          Aggregate Ground Water
NNNNNNNNNNNYNNNNNNNN          Aggregate Surface Water
NNNNNNYNNNNNYNNNNNNN          Place of Use+Meteorological

Lat/Long Coordinate Method (coord_meth_cd)

Indicates the method used to determine latitude longitude values.
Code     Description
D       Differentially corrected Global Positioning System (GPS)
G       Global positioning system, uncorrected (Standard Positioning Service (SPS) and Precise Positioning Service (PPS))
L       Long-range navigation system
M       Interpolated from map
N       Interpolated from Digital Map
S       Transit, theodolite, or other surveying method
U       Unknown

Lat/Long Coordinate Accuracy (coord_acy_cd)

Indicates the accuracy of the latitude longitude values.
Code     Description
H       Accurate to +/- .01 second (differentially corrected GPS)
1       Accurate to +/- .1 second (differentially corrected GPS)
5       Accurate to +/- .5 second (Precise Positioning Service (PLGR/PPS GPS))
S       Accurate to +/- 1 second
R       Accurate to +/- 3 seconds (Standard Positioning Service (SPS GPS))
F       Accurate to +/- 5 seconds
T       Accurate to +/- 10 seconds
M       Accurate to +/- 1 minute
U       Unknown

Coordinate Datum Code (coord_datum_cd)

Code             Description
NAD27           North American Datum of 1927
NAD83           North American Datum of 1983
OLDAK           Old Alaska (Mainland) and Aleutian Islands Datum
OLDHI           Old Hawaii
OLDPR           Old Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands Datum
OLDSAMOA        Old American Samoa Datum
OLDGUAM         Old Guam Datum

Agency use of site code (agency_use_cd)

Code  Description
A    Active data-collection site
I    Inactive or discontinued data-collection site
O    Inventory data site only

Type of Data Collected

This is a legacy field from the old WATSTORE days therefore the national consistency of the information/values stored in this field will vary. This field is actually a 30-POSITION ARRAY of characters. Coded in one or more locations in the array, will be the following alpha-code:
Code  Description
A    Active data collection site
I    Inactive or discontinued data collection site
O    Inventory data site only

These codes act as "flags" for the types of data collected in the following array positions:

(1)   Stage or water levels--continuous
(2)   Stage or water levels--intermittent
(3)   Water quality--continuous
(4)   Water quality--intermittent
(5)   Precipitation--continuous
(6)   Precipitation--intermittent
(7)   Evaporation--continuous
(8)   Evaporation--intermittent
(9)   Wind velocity
(10)  Tide--continuous
(11)  Tide--intermittent
(12)  Sediment concentration
(13)  Sediment particle size
(14)  Peak flows
(15)  Low flows
(16)  Water Use

Time Zone codes (tz_cd)

2 - 5 character time zone code for the site location
Code     Description

UTC     Universal Coordinated Time
NST     Newfoundland Standard Time
AST     Atlantic Standard Time (Canada)
EST     Eastern Standard Time
CST     Central Standard Time
MST     Mountain Standard Time
PST     Pacific Standard Time
AKST    Alaska Standard Time
HST     Hawaii Standard Time
ZP-11   GMT -11 hours
IDLW    International Date Line, West
IDLE    International Date Line, East
NZST    New Zealand Standard Time
NZT     New Zealand Time
ZP11    GMT +11 hours
AEST    Australia Eastern Standard Time
EAST    East Australian Standard Time
GST     Guam Standard Time, Russia Zone 9       
LIGT    Melbourne, Australia
ACST    Central Australia Standard Time
CAST    Central Australia Standard Time
SAT     South Australian Standard Time
JST     Japan Standard Time, Russia Zone 8      
KST     Korea Standard Time     
MT      Moluccas Time   
AWST    Australia Western Standard Time
CCT     China Coastal Time
WST     West Australian Standard Time
JT      Java Time
WAST    West Australian Standard Time
ZP6     GMT +6 hours
ZP5     GMT +5 hours
ZP4     GMT +4 hours
IT      Iran Time
BT      Baghdad Time
EET     Eastern Europe, Russia Zone 1
IST     Israel Standard Time    
CET     Central European Time
DNT     Dansk Normal Tid
DST     Dansk Standard Time 
FST     French Summer Time
MET     Middle Europe Time
MEWT    Middle Europe Winter Time
MEZ     Middle Europe Zone      
NOR     Norway Standard Time
SET     Seychelles Time 
SWT     Swedish Winter Time
GMT     Greenwich Mean Time
WET     Western Europe
WAT     West Africa Time
ZP-2    GMT -2 hours
ZP-3    GMT -3 hours
NFT     Newfoundland Standard Time
AFT     Afghanistan Standard Time

Local Time Flag (local_time_fg)

Y for yes or an N for no to indicate whether the site is in an area that switches to Local Standard Time (Daylight Savings Time) for a part of the year.

Topographic Setting Code (topo_cd)

The topographic setting refers to the geomorphic features in the vicinity of the site.
Code  Description    
A     Alluvial fan
B     Playa
C     Stream channel
D     Local depression
E     Dunes
F     Flat surface
G     Flood plain
H     Hilltop
K     Sinkhole
L     Lake, swamp, or marsh
M     Mangrove swamp
O     Offshore (estuary)
P     Pediment
S     Hillside (slope)
T     Alluvial or marine terrace
U     Undulating
V     Valley flat (valleys of all sizes)
W     Upland draw

Aquifer Type Code (aqfr_type_cd)

Describes the type of aquifer(s) encountered by a site type of well (ground-water).
Code  Description    
U     Unconfined single aquifer
N     Unconfined multiple aquifers
C     Confined single aquifer
M     Confined multiple aquifer
X     Mixed (confined and unconfined multiple aquifers)

Basin Codes (basin_cd)

The Basin Code or "drainage basin code" is a two-digit code that further subdivides the 8-digit hydrologic-unit code. The drainage basin code is defined by the USGS State Office where the site is located.

Ground Water Codes

Water Level Site Status Codes (lev_status_cd)

Code Description
A Water level was affected by atmospheric pressure.
B Water level was affected by tide stage.
C Water level was affected by ice.
D The site was dry (no water level is recorded).
E The site was flowing recently.
F The site was flowing. Water level or head could not be measured without additional equipment.
G A nearby site that taps the same aquifer was flowing.
H A nearby site that taps the same aquifer had been flowing recently.
I Injector site (recharge water was being injected into the aquifer at this site).
J Injector site monitor (a nearby site that taps the same aquifer was injecting recharge water).
M Well was plugged and not in hydraulic contact with formation.
N The measurement was discontinued.
O An obstruction was encountered in the well above the water surface (no water level is recorded).
P The site was being pumped.
R The site had been pumped recently.
S A nearby site that taps the same aquifer was being pumped.
T A nearby site that taps the same aquifer had been pumped recently.
V A foreign substance was present on the surface of the water.
W The well was destroyed (no water level is recorded).
X The water level was affected by stage in nearby surface-water site.
Z Other conditions existed that would affect the measured water level.

Ground-water Site Types Codes

Code  Description
C   Collector or Ranney type well. 
D   Drain dug to intercept the water table or potentiometric surface to either lower the 
    ground-water level or serve as a water supply. 
E   Excavation. 
H   Sinkhole. 
I   Interconnected wells, also called connector or drainage wells; that is, a well interconnected
    via an underground lateral. 
M   Multiple wells. Use only for well field consisting of a group of wells that are pumped through 
    a single header and for which little or no data about the individual wells are available. 
O   Outcrop. 
P   Pond dug to intercept the water table or potentiometric surface. 
S   Spring (used only on spring schedule). 
T   Tunnel, shaft, or mine from which ground water is obtained. 
W   Well, for single wells other than wells of the collector or Ranney type. 
X   Test hole, not completed as a well. 

Surface Water Codes

Daily Mean Streamflow Value Qualification Codes (dv_rmk_cd)

Code  Description    
e     Value has been edited or estimated by USGS personnel and is write protected
&     Value has computed from affected unit values
<     Less than 
>     Greater than 
1     Value is write protected without any remark code to be printed
      No remark (blank)

Unit Mean Streamflow Value Qualification Codes (uv_rmk_cd)

Code  Description
A     This value is affected by ice at the measurement site.
B     This value is affected by backwater at the measurement site.
R     The rating is undefined for this value
&     This value is affected by unspecified reasons.
K     This value is affected by  instrument calibration drift.
X     This value is erroneous. It will not be used.
<     The Value is known to be less than reported value
>     The value is known to be greater than reported value
F     This value was modified due to automated filtering.

Measurement Quality Code (measured_rating_diff)

Code  Description    
E     Excellent
G     Good
F     Fair 
P     Poor

Streamflow Measurement Type Code (measurement_type_cd)

The streamflow measurement type code describes the method used for the discharge/streamflow measurement. The possible values for the code are:

Code            Description
                No data (blank)
WADING          Discharge measurement by wading into the water.
HANDLINE        Discharge measurement from a bridge w/a bridgeboard or handline.
BRG CRANE       Discharge measurement with Bridge Crane
CABLEWAY        Discharge measurement made from cableway
FLUME           Discharge measurement made using portable flume or weir.
ESTIMATED       Discharge was estimated.
INDIRECT        Discharge measurement made using indirect measurement methods.
BOAT            Discharge measurement made from a boat.
ICE             Discharge measurement made through river ice.

Streamflow Measurement Control Condition Code (control_type_cd)

The streamflow measurement control condition code describes the condition of the measurement control. The possible values for the code are:

Code            Description
                No data (blank)
CLEAR           No debris
LGT DEBRIS      Light debris
MOD DEBRIS      Moderate debris
HVY DEBRIS      Heavy debris
SHORE ICE       Discharge measure in shore ice.
ICE COVER       Discharge measure in ice cover.
SUBMERGED       Discharge measured in submerged conditions
ALGAE           Algae present

Peak Streamflow Special Conditions (PEAK.peak_cd)

The following codes are used to indicate special conditions that affect how the peak streamflow value may be interpreted

Code Meaning
1 Discharge is a Maximum Daily Average
2 Discharge is an Estimate
3 Discharge affected by Dam Failure
4 Discharge less than indicated value which is Minimum Recordable Discharge at this site
5 Discharge affected to unknown degree by Regulation or Diversion
6 Discharge affected by Regulation or Diversion
7 Discharge is an Historic Peak
8 Discharge actually greater than indicated value
9 Discharge due to Snowmelt, Hurricane, Ice-Jam or Debris Dam breakup
A Year of occurrence is unknown or not exact
B Month or Day of occurrence is unknown or not exact
C All or part of the record affected by Urbanization, Mining, Agricultural changes, Channelization, or other
D Base Discharge changed during this year
E Only Annual Maximum Peak available for this year

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