Information Products

Plume, R.W., Smith, J.L., Welborn, T.L., and Medina, R.L. (2024), Data for the report Properties of Basin-Fill Deposits, a 1971–2000 Water Budget, and Surface-Water-Groundwater Interactions in the Upper Humboldt River Basin, Northeastern Nevada: U.S. Geological Survey data release,

Ott, T. J., Majumdar, S., Huntington, J. L., Pearson, C., Bromley, M., Minor, B. A., ReVelle, P., Morton, C. G., Sueki, S., Beamer, J. P., & Jasoni, R. L. (2024). Toward field-scale groundwater pumping and improved groundwater management using remote sensing and climate data. Agricultural Water Management302, 109000.