In Nevada, the management of water resources and the preparation for water scarcity challenges are part of a comprehensive approach that encompasses both water planning and drought resilience. These ongoing efforts are dedicated to securing a sustainable water future for the state, benefiting residents, businesses, agriculture, and the environment. The primary goals are to strike a balance between water demands, encourage conservation practices, and adapt to evolving environmental conditions.
State Water Plan Update
The State Water Plan is a comprehensive, high-level policy and planning framework. The plan provides information, data, and recommendations to help guide water management decisions, concurrently serving as an educational tool to inform the public about water resource issues in Nevada.
Water Conservation Plans
Nevada law requires that water providers with 15 or more service connections must develop and adopt a water conservation plan tailored to their service area's climate and living conditions. These plans must be updated every five years. NRS Chapter 540 details the various elements that need to be included in these plans. Before adoption, these plans must be submitted to the Division of Water Resources for review and approval.
Water Planning Resources
Nevada's water planning resources comprise of a wide range of tools and information, with further resources archived in the Library.
Hydrographic Basin Summaries (Information about each basin's administration, including summaries of committed groundwater rights by manner of use)
Hydrographic Regions by County (Helpful for local planning efforts)
Pumpage Inventories (Data on groundwater usage) and Crop Inventories (Data on groundwater usage for irrigation purposes)
Water Infrastructure Financing Administered by the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection (Loan and grant programs to assist with water, wastewater, and stormwater projects)
Water Planning Newsletter
The Division periodically releases newsletters designed to keep stakeholders well-informed with the latest in water planning and drought resilience efforts. These publications cover diverse topics, providing program updates, insights into water resources, and key developments in the field.